How Medical Healthcare Inc Partnered with ElephantHop and Improved Time to Onboard Staff by 30% and Improved Security

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Medical Healthcare Inc has partnered with ElephantHop to improve time to onboard staff and increase security.

Medical Healthcare Inc has partnered with ElephantHop for their Okta integration and improved time to onboard staff.

Ryan Johnson – Director of IT (fictional name to protect identity)

Customer since 2022

Medical Healthcare Inc (fictional name to protect identity)

About Medical Healthcare Inc

Medical Healthcare Inc is a healthcare organization that provides a wide range of services to patients and families in the United States. They staff of over 1000 employees and a network of more than 13 hospitals and clinics. Medical Healthcare Inc is dedicated to providing quality care and services to those in need. Their mission is to provide the highest quality of care to their patients and to make healthcare accessible and affordable for all. They strive to make a positive impact on the lives of their patients and the communities they serve. 

Ryan Johnson is the Director of IT at Medical Healthcare Inc, where he has been instrumental in driving successful outcomes for the company. With his expertise in both IT and healthcare, Ryan has been able to develop innovative solutions that have improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the company’s operations. He has also been a key player in developing strategies to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty as a directive of his IT objectives. Ryan’s commitment to excellence has made him an invaluable asset to Medical Healthcare Inc and a shining example of customer success.

The Problem

Medical Healthcare Inc faced a challenge with onboarding new employees that was inefficient and time consuming. Ryan Johnson and his staff were spending all their time onboarding new employees instead of focusing on the company’s security initiatives. This put the company’s data at risk and employees were frustrated at how long it took to onboard all the applications they needed to do their day to day duties. ElephantHop was able to help Medical Healthcare Inc overcome this challenge and improve their onboarding process by bringing Okta and their Workforce Identity platform to the table.

“It was a huge challenge for Medical Healthcare Inc to onboard new employees efficiently. This problem had a significant impact on Ryan – the time and resources he was spending trying to onboard each employee was taking away from his other important duties. It was extremely frustrating for him, and it put our company at risk due to his focus being taken away from our security initiatives.”

– Vice President and Director of Staffing @ Medical Healthcare Inc

When Medical Healthcare Inc first came to ElephantHop, they were looking for a way to streamline their employee onboarding process. Ryan Johnson, Medical Healthcare Incs IT Director, needed someone to help him implement Okta’s Single-Sign On (SSO) and utilize Okta’s Workflows to automate the process as much as possible.

The Solution

At ElephantHop, we took the time to understand Ryan’s goals and objectives, and provided our own input on how to best implement Okta’s Workforce Identity features based on their environment. We then planned the project around those objectives, made sure all stakeholders had an aligned vision and kicked off the implementation. As the project progressed, we took the time to review the project and make any necessary adjustments and refinements.

The speed and thoroughness of using Workflows and Okta’s SSO allowed Medical Healthcare Inc to save time and money, as it automated the onboarding process. Staff were given access to the applications they needed based on their roles and Ryan and his team could manage access and permissions more effectively. This helped to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data and enabled their departments, employees, and applications to be better connected and managed. As a result, Medical Healthcare Inc experienced a significant transformation of their onboarding process that enabled them to focus on other aspects of their business.

Benefits of Using Okta

  • Improved onboarding process: Okta’s SSO solution allows employees to access all of the applications they need with a single username and password. This makes the onboarding process more efficient and reduces the risk of errors.
  • Improved security posture: Okta’s identity governance features help Medical Healthcare Inc to manage user access and permissions more effectively. This helps to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • Increased efficiency: Okta’s automation features help Medical Healthcare Inc to automate tasks such as password resets and provisioning new users. This frees up IT staff to focus on other tasks.

“Automating our employee onboarding with ElephantHop’s help has been a true game changer for Medical Healthcare Inc. It has significantly improved our onboarding process by at least 30%, allowing us to get employees up and running quickly, while also allowing us to focus our efforts on our security initiatives. It’s been a great success.

Working with ElephantHop was a great experience. They provided us with the knowledge and understanding we needed to be successful with our onboarding processes and to improve our ROI with Okta. We are thankful for their help and would highly recommend them to any organization looking for assistance with Okta and IAM.”

– Ryan Johnson, Medical Healthcare Inc.

What’s Ahead for Medical Healthcare Inc

Medical Healthcare Inc Partnered with ElephantHop and they are well on their way to meeting their goal of reducing healthcare costs, increasing access to care, and improving the quality of life for those in need. And with ElephantHop’s help to continue adopting more of Okta’s features, they are able to confidently use Okta to continue to manage the identities in their environment and secure their data for the future.

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