5 Ways Identity Governance Brings Your Organization Closer to Zero Trust

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Identity governance and zero trust

Identity Governance and Zero Trust

What is identity governance?

In today’s world, data is more valuable than ever before. As a result, organizations are under increasing pressure to protect their data from unauthorized access. Identity Governance (IDG) is a critical tool for helping organizations meet this challenge. Identity Governance and Zero Trust are two critical components of a secure environment.

IDG is a set of processes and technologies that help organizations manage their digital identities. This includes things like creating and managing user accounts, assigning access rights, and auditing user activity. IDG can help organizations to reduce the risk of unauthorized access in a number of ways.

What is zero trust?

Zero Trust is a security model that assumes that no user or device is inherently trusted, and that access to resources must be verified for each request. This means that even if a user is authenticated, they are not automatically granted access to resources. Instead, access must be granted on a per-request basis, based on the user’s identity, the device they are using, and the resource they are trying to access.

5 Ways Identity Governance Brings Your Organization Closer to Zero Trust

1. Improves visibility into user access

Identity Governance solutions provide a centralized view of all user identities and access privileges. This helps organizations to identify and remediate potential security risks
Identity Governance solutions are an essential component of a zero trust security model. One of the key benefits of identity Governance is improved visibility into user access. With identity Governance, organizations can gain a centralized view of all user identities and access privileges. This increased visibility allows organizations to identify any potential security risks or access violations before they become major issues.

By providing a single view of all users and access rights, Identity Governance solutions enable organizations to create a more comprehensive and effective security strategy. With this level of visibility, organizations can quickly and easily identify any gaps in their security posture and take the necessary steps to address them. Additionally, IDG solutions allow organizations to automate many of the manual processes associated with managing user access. This automation can help organizations to reduce the risk of human error and ensure that access rights are always up to date.

Overall, Identity Governance solutions are critical for organizations looking to implement a zero trust security model. By providing a centralized view of all user identities and access privileges, Identity Governance enables organizations to improve their security posture and reduce the risk of security breaches. With the added benefits of automation and increased visibility, IDG solutions are a must-have for any organization looking to take their security to the next level.

2. Reduces the risk of unauthorized access

Identity Governance (IDG) can help organizations to implement strong authentication and access control policies. This includes things like requiring multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all users, and limiting access to sensitive data to authorized users only. Strong authentication and access control policies can make it much more difficult for unauthorized users to gain access to sensitive data or systems.

Here are some examples of how IDG can help organizations to implement strong authentication and access control policies:

  • Require multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFA is a security process in which a user is only granted access to a system after they have successfully presented two or more pieces of evidence to an authentication mechanism — typically something they know (e.g., a password), something they have (e.g., a security token), or something they are (e.g., a fingerprint). MFA makes it much more difficult for attackers to gain unauthorized access to systems, even if they have stolen a user’s password.
  • Limit access to sensitive data to authorized users only. Organizations should only grant users access to the data they need to do their jobs. This helps to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • Implement least privilege access. Least privilege access means that users should only be granted the minimum level of access they need to do their jobs. This helps to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to data and systems.
  • Review access rights on a regular basis. Organizations should review user access rights on a regular basis to ensure that they are still valid. This helps to ensure that users only have access to the data and systems they need, and that access rights are not accidentally or maliciously granted to unauthorized users.
  • Monitor user activity. Organizations should monitor user activity to identify suspicious behavior. This can help to identify unauthorized access to systems or data, and can help to prevent attacks before they cause damage.

By implementing strong authentication and access control policies, organizations can reduce the risk of unauthorized access to their data and systems.

IDG can help organizations to centralize their identity management. This means that all of an organization’s user accounts and access rights are stored in a single place. This makes it easier for organizations to manage their identities, and it also helps to reduce the risk of human error.

Here are some examples of how IDG can help organizations to centralize their identity management:

  • Create a single repository for user accounts and access rights. This makes it easier for organizations to find and manage user accounts and access rights.
  • Automate user provisioning and deprovisioning. This can help to reduce the risk of human error in the user provisioning process.
  • Provide self-service capabilities for users. This can help users to manage their own accounts and access rights, which can reduce the workload on IT staff.
  • Implement role-based access control (RBAC). RBAC is a security model that allows organizations to grant users access to resources based on their role in the organization. This can help to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to resources.
  • Implement identity Governance policies. Identity Governance policies can help organizations to ensure that user accounts and access rights are managed in a consistent and secure manner.

3. Improves user experience

Identity Governance solutions can help organizations to simplify the user onboarding and offboarding process. This can help to improve the user experience and reduce the risk of human error. IDG can help organizations to improve user experience in a number of ways, including:

  • Simplifying the user onboarding process. The user onboarding process is the process of creating a new user account and granting them access to the resources they need to do their job. This process can be complex and time-consuming, especially for large organizations with a lot of users. IDG can help to simplify the user onboarding process by automating many of the manual tasks involved, such as creating user accounts, assigning access rights, and sending welcome emails. This can save organizations time and money, and it can also make the user onboarding process more efficient and user-friendly.
  • Streamlining the user offboarding process. The user offboarding process is the process of deactivating a user account and revoking their access to the organization’s resources. This process is also important, but it is often overlooked. IDG can help to streamline the user offboarding process by automating many of the manual tasks involved, such as deactivating user accounts, revoking access rights, and sending farewell emails. This can save organizations time and money, and it can also help to protect the organization’s data by ensuring that access to sensitive resources is revoked promptly when a user leaves the organization.
  • Reducing the risk of human error. Human error is a leading cause of security breaches. IDG can help to reduce the risk of human error by automating many of the tasks involved in identity management, such as creating user accounts, assigning access rights, and deactivating user accounts. This can help to ensure that these tasks are performed correctly and consistently, which can help to protect the organization from security breaches.

In addition to the benefits listed above, IDG can also help organizations to improve compliance with industry regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). IDG can help organizations to track user activity, monitor user access to sensitive data, and revoke access rights when necessary. This can help organizations to demonstrate their compliance with these regulations and protect their users’ data.

4. Automates identity management tasks

Identity Governance solutions can automate many of the manual tasks associated with identity management. This can help to free up IT resources to focus on other priorities.

Here are some examples of how IDG can help organizations to automate their identity management processes:

  • Automate user provisioning and deprovisioning. This can help to reduce the risk of human error in the user provisioning process, and it can also free up IT staff to focus on other tasks.
  • Automate user password resets. This can help to improve the security of user passwords, and it can also free up IT staff to focus on other tasks.
  • Automate user access reviews. This can help to ensure that user access rights are accurate and up-to-date, and it can also free up IT staff to focus on other tasks.
  • Automate user account audits. This can help to identify potential security risks, and it can also free up IT staff to focus on other tasks.

By automating their identity management processes, organizations can improve the efficiency and security of their identity management. This can help to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to data and systems, and it can also help to free up IT staff to focus on other tasks.

Here are some additional benefits of automating identity management:

  • Increased accuracy and efficiency of identity management processes.
  • Reduced risk of human error.
  • Improved compliance with regulations.
  • Improved user experience.
  • Reduced costs.

If you are looking for a way to improve the security and efficiency of your identity management, automating your identity management is a great place to start.

5. Provides a foundation for zero trust security

Identity Governance solutions provide a foundation for zero trust security. By improving visibility into user access and reducing the risk of unauthorized access, identity Governance solutions can help organizations to implement a zero trust security posture.

IDG solutions can help organizations to implement a zero trust security posture by providing the following capabilities:

  • User identity management: IDG solutions can help organizations to manage user identities, including user accounts, passwords, and access rights. This can help to ensure that only authorized users are able to access resources.
  • Device identity management: IDG solutions can help organizations to manage device identities, including device certificates, software updates, and security settings. This can help to ensure that only authorized devices are able to access resources.
  • Access control: IDG solutions can help organizations to implement access control policies, which can be used to grant or deny access to resources based on the user’s identity, the device they are using, and the resource they are trying to access.
  • Auditing: IDG solutions can help organizations to audit user access to resources. This can help organizations to track user activity and identify any unauthorized access.


Identity Governance is a critical component of any zero trust security strategy. By improving visibility into user access, reducing the risk of unauthorized access, improving user experience, automating identity management tasks, and providing a foundation for zero trust security, Identity Governance solutions can help organizations to protect their data and systems from cyberattacks.

If you need help in navigating your organization towards Zero Trust using Identity Governance as your vehicle then we can help.

Let's discuss how our Identity and Access Management consultants can assist you and your team.

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